How You Get the Glow: Tips for Luminous Skin

11:53 AM

Okay, so I think we can all admit that most of the time, we don't drink nearly as much water as we should. Especially considering the fact that our over half of the human body is made up of water.

I usually experience two stages in my pathetic attempt at hydration: so much water I have to pee every ten minutes, or hardly any water at all. There is no middle ground. What I've found through this, though, is that when I'm peeing every ten minutes, my skin looks great. Bye, bye toxins.

And that's how it works / That's how you get the glow. ♪

I'm not a skincare professional by any means, but I have figured out what's worked for me, and it's all pretty obvious, general stuff that we sometimes forget about (*cough* neglect out of laziness *cough*) in our quest for radiant, glowing skin.

Also, the title of this maaay or may not be a play on "How You Get the Girl" by Taylor Swift. Obsessed? What, me?


1.) Hydration. Obviously, the first and most important point, because working from the inside out is the best way to go here. Drink water, and drink a lot of it. It's especially important right now, with Summer coming up. It's also probably the most beneficial if it's plain water, but if you're one of those people who hates the taste of water (what even are you???) then flavored water or tea will work, too!

2.) Cleansing. Washing off your makeup is so, SO important. Personally, I can't stand how uncomfortable it feels on my face when I'm trying to go to sleep, so even if I'm barely awake washing it off, there's no way I'm sleeping with it on. Whatever your preferred method, just make sure that gunk is totally gone before your head hits the pillow.

3.) Exfoliation. It's really helpful to do this a couple times a week to scrub off dead skin, and keep everything bright and even. I usually just use a coarse rag, since I somehow have yet to find an exfoliator that I really like. If you have any recommendations, I'd love to hear them!

4.) Moisturization. And after all of the cleansing, and the exfoliating, it's time to slather some lotion on that mug! I usually try to massage it in because a) relaxing, b) it'll sink in better, rather than just sitting on your face, and c) stimulates bloodflow to the face which doesn't hurt your odds for glowing skin, either.

5.) Nutrition. It goes without saying that when you eat better, your skin looks better. I have a massive sweet tooth, so I definitely have to curb myself a lot, and when I fall off of the metaphorical wagon, I try to climb right back on. I have phases where I don't eat as well as I want to, but I definitely notice an improvement in my skin when I eat a healthier diet.

Of course, if these fall through... There's always highlighter. ;)

What are your top tips for glowing skin? Share them with me!

xo, A

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  1. Ahhh I'm the same way! I drink so much I constantly have to pee, but my dry skin thanks me anyway :)


    1. Hahah I love it. Your skin definitely does thank you!!

  2. I drink TONS of water. I find the best way to make sure you drink more water is to carry around a huge bottle of it so that you don't have to refill all the time!


    1. Yes, that's such a good tip!! I usually carry around a mason jar, it works well enough. ;p

  3. Fabulous post. Definitely things to keep in mind!

    Made in Mauve // Bloglovin

  4. All your suggestions are true especially with eating right :)

    1. Definitely! And somehow that's the hardest one to do... ;p Thanks for stoppin' by!!

  5. Lovely post! I drink loads of water and I steam my face one a week to open my pores and get all clean! - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


    1. AHHH I always forget about steaming! I used to do it occasionally, but I haven't done it in forever. Maybe I'll have to start doing it again! Thanks for commenting lovely! x

  6. Drinking lots of water is really important, I try my best to drink more than 2 liters of water a day. I also believe that the food we eat plays an important role, sometimes, whenever I eat salty food, my skin seems to be unhealthy. Great post!


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