Go-To Beauty Routines

2:25 PM

You know how some people have a sort of go-to face routine?

You know what I'm talking about: That one girl who always looks impeccably well put together, complete with lightly winged eyeliner and perfectly tousled hair?

*cough* Taylor Swift. *cough*

And I thought, oh my God, look at that... Perfectly tousled hair.
Lately, coming into Spring, I've been wondering what my go-to would be. I don't think I've ever really had one before. I kind of just alternate between different looks for a few months at a time. Liquid eyeliner for a few months, contoured cheeks for a few... And then there are the absolutely no makeup phases. I think it's great to experimentand I'm glad that I dobut I don't really have that one classic look in my arsenal to fall back on, and I think it's time I remedy that.

So, after mulling it over, and letting the freshness of Spring inspire me, I've come up with four things that I think would be must-haves in my ideal "go-to" look.

1. Dewy Skin

First, and foremost, is dewy skin. I feel like whatever you do to your skin is arguably the most important part of a beauty routine, because it sets the foundation (ha ha, foundation, get it?? ....I'll see myself out) for every other part. I've never really been into the matte look, so dewy skin has always been a favorite of mine, especially in the warmer months of the year.

2. Bold Brows

I like my brows thick, and I like them dark. But, it wasn't always that way.

Like many other women, I was the girl who over-tweezed while I was growing up because I thought my brows needed to look thin and arched like all of the other girls around me, and the women I saw in magazines.

Just luckily, mine grew back after I stopped tweezing them (whew!) and since my tweezer-happy days, I've learned a lot about how much diversity there is in brows—that they didn't all have to look one particular way—and that I should embrace mine for what they were. And so, I've learned to play them up by filling them in. Definitely one of my favorite features now.

3. Perfect Pout

I wasn't always a lipstick girl, but it was mostly an insecurity thing, my avoidance of it. I just didn't think I could pull it off, and it was attention-grabbing in a way that freaked me out. Then, I woke up one day and said "carpe diem" and now I own ten lip products in varying colors, with a nearly constant longing for more. Oops.

Aaaanyway, I really think that a nice lip color, bold or not, can really freshen up your whole face.

One thing that I've liked consistently for a couple years now is a gradient lip. It's such a soft, low-maintenance way to add color, even on days when you don't feel like rocking something intense, and something about it feels really fresh, and somehow youthful. Maybe it's the fact that it looks like you just drank fruit punch.

4. Tousled Tresses

I've recently realized just how much my hair affects my overall look and confidence, and it really has more to do with how it feels on me, than how it actually looks. I like how long hair looks, especially on other people, but recently, I've found myself  aboard the short hair train. I just feel more myself with it that way right now, if that even makes sense. Short hair is just so fun and breezy. What's better than that?

So, what about you? What's your "go-to" beauty look? I'd love it if you'd share them with me!

xo A

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  1. eeep i love the little beauty ideas you put togetherhere!! i'm definitely trying to get better at highlighting my face (i always contour but forget to highlight!) i'm also on a MADDENING quest for the perfect shade of berry lipstick haha. every time i try to select one i have to give it to my fair skinned sister because i just can't pull off a berry lip! love this spring looks post <33

    xoxox, Naomi http://bunnyandfawn.blogspot.com/

    1. Hehe thank you!! I used to be obsessed with highlighting a few years ago, and then I realized I had a really bad habit of touching my face and getting shimmer all over my fingers, so I kinda stopped using it. I guess that would've been another one of my phases. ;P But I really like it, so I'm trying to get back into it.

      Oh, I know what you mean on the "maddening quest" front, except I'm on the hunt for the perfect shade of mauve. I dunno exactly what you're looking for, but my favorite berry lipstick is Sugar Plum Fairy by Wet N' Wild. If you haven't already, maybe that one could be worth a try?? It seems to look good on a variety of skintones from what I've seen. I wish you luck on your quest!! (✿◠‿◠)

  2. My fave beauty go-to is definitely the brows, lips, and hair. Great post - thanks for sharing ❤

    1. Ahhh I love your blog!! Thank you for commenting! ❤

  3. I don't have a specific beauty look either but I prefer not to. We're young and now is the time to take advantage and play with makeup before we're looked at funny by adults. BTW, Native Koreans love the combination you just presented. I go through phases of products just like you. Mostly to do with laziness. I used to wear eyeliner everyday but it's such a pain to take off that I've now moved onto playing with eye shadows instead. I really like the gradient lip in theory but I have never tried it myself. I just get the impression that it looks best on fair skinned girls.

    Oh my goodness! The short hair train. I want to join. I recently got a really bad trim and now I feel like I have no choice but to go shorter. I am looking for someone in L.A. who specializes in cutting short dos but I am swimming in a crowd of mermaid balayage. :(

    1. You know, I hadn't really thought about it like that! I mean, I don't wanna just stick to one specific look, but I want to build a look that's quick and efficient for days I wanna do something but don't have much time/energy. :P I know what you mean about removing makeup. Most days I ask myself: do I wanna take off makeup later? And if the answer is no, I'll just go without. Hahah laziness at its finest. I dunno about the gradient lip looking best on fair skin, I think it'd look good on anyone!

      Oh, the short hair train is so nice. Low-maintenance and breezy. I wish you well on the haircut hunt! ❤

  4. Dewy skin all the way. Loved this post. :)

  5. BROWS always. And I feel naked if I don't have winged liner.....

    1. Hahah yes! I love winged liner. Applying it, on the other hand, not so much. Ah, the things we do for beauty.

  6. Aaaah! These are a crazily insanely amazing. I would kill to have every single one of them (except for the bold eyebrows..not a big fan haha). Especially the dewy skin, it would literally be amazing. I don't really have much of a to-go list either but I don't really do much makeup anyway (or none at all). As for the tousled hair, one of my favorite Youtubers got it and I've been kind of obsessed with it ever since but the celebs that you mentioned here with tousled hair are even better making me even more obsessed. Great post Alyssa.
    Zoha x x

    1. Thank you!! Hahah yes, bold brows aren't everyone's cup of tea. You either love 'em or hate 'em. ;P I'm glad you enjoyed, thank you so much for taking the time to comment! xx

  7. Oh I love all of this. Spring inspiration right there ♥ thank you for having such a wonderful blog!


    1. I'm glad you like it! Thank you for commenting, lovely!! ❤

  8. great post! love these beauty looks!
    Emma xx

  9. I am 100% of the same! I love dewy skin lately, with bold brows! Its my go to! And I have a love-hate relationship with TSwift. I try to hate her but I just can't.. She's too catchy and always fashionable! xo

    1. It's theeee best combo! Hahah I think maybe a lot of people have that problem with her these days. ;P

  10. I've been so obsessed with dewy skin lately. And I totally agree with the tousled look. I've had long hair for a realllllyyy long time now and I finally decided to get a lob (thank you ashley benson). It's completely out of my comfort zone, but I thought since the summer is coming up and I'm about to be 21 then it's time for a change. I'm a little scared about getting so much hair cut off, but I'm sure I'll love it<3

    1. Oooh nothing like a fresh haircut! I think short hair is so liberating, honestly. I hope you do end up loving it!! :)


thank you so much for commenting!!! i appreciate it very much ❤