Lip Tricks — Tips for Lipstick Newbies

1:38 PM

It's Summer, which means I'm finding myself drawn to lipstick over eyeshadow. Humidity = oily lids. Not a cute look. I have pretty naturally oily lids anyway, but when it's hot, even primer has a hard time keeping creasing at bay, so I tend to forego shadow.

Only last Summer did I finallyfinallyhop on the lipstick wagon, but I've worn it enough that I've picked up a few handy tricks along the way. As many tips as I had read and seen in YouTube videos before I plucked up the nerve to wear it, I didn't really get the tips I needed.

Maybe my trial and error can help someone else who's just starting to venture into lipstick land.

1.) If you're nervous about dabbling into such strong color on your lips, start with sheer lip tints. If you can't quite work up the nerve for dark colors, I promise this helps. I started adjusting to the idea of something other than plain ol' chapstick on my lips by using Baby Lips in "Cherry Me" and later, a nude lipstick. Starting on the milder side helped me work up to reds and berries. (Wearing it at home a few times rather than in public helps get used to it, too!)

Another option? Try a gradient lip. Since you're only working with the inner part of your lips, it's not quite so loud, and a little less intimidating.

2.) Exfoliating is so important. I know, I didn't believe it either, but if you're wearing lipstick, it does matter. You can just use a rag and scrub lightly at your lips, or go as far as buying/making a sugar scrub, but if you don't have smooth lips, application's not gonna be such a breeze.

3.) Lipliner is not necessarily required. It's all personal preference, and it depends on the texture of the lipstick you're using. I find that the kinds of lipstick that I've come across in my journey so far don't feather much, even the really dark ones. If you want to have one on hand, a good option would be a transparent lipliner, so it'll go with every lip color you have.

4.) Q-tips are your friend. Unless you're some kind of inhumanly perfect person, application may be a little sloppy until you get used to it, or if you're like me, forever. It just makes things look a little more crisp if you clean up the edges with a damp q-tip when you're finished.

5.) When you apply it, make sure you blot with a tissue, and stick your finger just on the inside of your lips to wipe off the lipstick there. Ending up with lipstick on my teeth and walking around all day not knowing was one of my biggest lipstick-related insecurities. This trick is a relatively sure-fire way to make sure that you don't have that issue.

What about you long-time lipstick wearers? Any invaluable tips to share with us newbies?

And hey, if you really wanna wear lipstick but have been too nervous to try it out: ease into it. You're probably gonna love it, though. ;)

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  1. I surprisingly never exfoliate my lips but I will now after reading this! Thanks for the tips!

    Lauren x

    1. I definitely think it makes a huge difference! And it makes them so soft. Just make sure not to overdo it... I've done that a time or two and ended up with raw lips for a couple days.... Oops. ;P

  2. I'm relatively new to lipsticks, but I kind of love them. I most wear a standard matte hot pink and it works perfectly. However, whenever I wear another shade I have so many problems, so it's nice to get some tips because I am definitely sloppy!

    1. Same with me! Oooh hot pink, I like. Hopefully the tips will be of help!! :)

  3. Such great tips! I can't believe I've never actually thought of using damp Q-tips to clean up the mess I make, haha

    May | THE MAYDEN

    1. Glad you think so! Yeah, it's so helpful! I literally have to use them every single time I apply it. Hehe ;P

  4. I often just go for the gradient lip look, I love it and it somehow looks so much more natural. great tips!

    Hannie Arden,

    1. It's a good choice! Gradient lips are gorgeous. And thank you!! :)

  5. Such good tips! I am not a huge lipstick wearer on normal occasions, but these tips for beginners is great :)

    Enclothed Cognition

  6. Great tips!!

    Jessica |


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